Learning Spaces

learning space

A place to study and work on assignments is important. IMC (Australian National Institute of Management and Commerce) wants to not only be a place where students attend lectures and tutorials, but a space where individual and group learning are fostered and promoted. With this, we are committed to providing quality spaces. Our Library, complete with technological aids such as WiFi and computers, as well as other important assets, such as print books and snack area, aims to be the place where you can work on your assignments and paper revisions along with group collaboration and study.

Where are our learning and study spaces?

You can find learning and study spaces in:

  • Suite 1, Bay 3, 2 Locomotive Street, South Eveleigh
  • Level 3, Building 3, Yerrabingin House, 2 Davy Road

Students are also encouraged to use the South Eveleigh gardens, spaces and outdoor facilities like the Vice chancellor’s Oval and other group seating areas such as the Innovation Plaza and Village Square.

Plans for Improvement

If you want to be involved in the process of updating and creating an unparalleled library learning space, please give us your feedback on what you want more of at IMC’s Library.