Online Workshops

Online Workshop

The Library provides a host of Online Workshops to aid your study. These workshops, that run for 30 minutes, range from Academic Skills to Study Tips to Assignment Preparations.

To register for the workshops, book a schedule here.

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Workshop 1 - Referencing

  • Understand what Referencing is
  • Apply the Harvard Referencing System
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Workshop 2 -Conducting Research

  • Unbox Academic Writing Process
  • Enhance Search Strategies
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Workshop 3 -Surviving Exams

  • Get tips on how to answer different types of exam questions
  • Make an Exam Plan
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Workshop 4 – Pomodoro Technique

  • Manage your time and accomplish more tasks
  • Use focus periods top increase productivity 
Online workshops 1

Other topics of interests:

  • Academic Integrity
  • Analyzing Research
  • Complex Problem Solving
  • Copyright Works
  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking
  • Database Searches
  • Digital Literacy
  • Evaluating Information
  • Exam Tips
  • Getting the Best out of eBooks
  • Online Library Tour
  • Online Safety
  • Online Study Success
  • Referencing
  • Subject Guides
  • Time Management  
  • Using e-texts

For inquiries, send an email at